NAMAM Buzzings: March 2023

The brand new NAMAM Leadership team met in March of 2023 to formulate their agenda for the upcoming year.

Picnic in the Park 2021

The NAMAM picnic is an annual event to bring together NAMAM family members and friends into an atmosphere of happiness and togetherness.

Family Night 2019

The NAMAM Family Night is conducted at the end of each year to commemorate and recognize all NAMAM families’ efforts in a fun-filled atmosphere. The event celebrates oneness through games, competitions and delicious food topped with musical and dance performances.

Vishu Cultural Festival 2018

Laden with a series of activities both spiritual and fun-filled Vishu festival is a most awaited festival in Kerala. It is said to bring in prosperity along with joy. Prayers are offered to Lord Vishnu for his blessings and every care is taken to keep the ambiance spiritual.